By Jonathon Miller Weisberger
“Her name is See~diii, she is a goddess from the 9th dimension, she protects the Osa peninsula and the phenomena of “Heaven on Earth,” and she can be prayed to,” our good-hearted masters of Tao whispering softly shared with us.

It was April 2008 my good friend Donna Runnalls of the Living Bridges Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to the preservation of Indigenous Life Ways, that I am also a board member of, had been organizing visits to the United States of a group of Taoist masters. On one of their visits they had asked Donna, if she knew anything about the Caño Island, in Costa Rica. The Island is considered to be a celestial inter-dimensional portal. Enthusiastically she shared with them that she has a friend who runs an ecolodge there in Costa Rica, and they encouraged her to contact me. Amazing so, it wasn’t long later that were book at Ocean Forest (then known as Guaria de Osa) and were showing them around some of the sacred sites in southern Costa Rica

A high honor it was to then be guiding these noble masters whose devotion to teaching ancient spiritual arts that serve the true essence of all lives, is humbling and inspiring. I went with don Memo, my old friend and traditional Brunka elder. Upon arriving to El Silencio, a place ancestrally known as Shwing’tang, where a 2.5-meter stone sphere, the largest of all southern Costa Rica petro-spheres can be found. Memito, as we endearingly call him shared to us, that when he was young this area was wild. There was an abundance of animals, the valley was completely virgin and intact. Any small creek would have all kinds of jumbo shrimp and crabs and many types of fish. Birds of many kinds lived there in abundance and wildlife was everywhere. The ridge behind the sphere is known as the “ridge of dolls,¨ where dozens of large and different sized stone statues stood. Some of which from this very spot can be seen today in the National Museum in San José. Today none of these remain and the areas tropical ecology has been sadly devastated. Except for the steep mountain valleys, the rainforest has been cleared for cattle and timber farms.

A small hut made of sticks with a half fallen in plastic roof stood there among the parched landscape. As we passed the masters told us to please wait at the car. Their secretary and interpreter Mary Ho asked us kindly to remain still and quiet. For about an hour and a half they sat there meditating in the hut. We weren’t that far, and I could hear them whispering gently and at times chanting softly. Soothing it was listening to them in their meditation, that I felt as though they were having an extended conversation with a close friend. They had received a visitation from an ancient goddess, the spiritual guardian of this area. As we were passing the hut, she was sitting there waiting to speak with them, they kindly shared.
The goddess had told them that to know more, they must go to the Caño Island, there a goddess from an even higher realm was waiting to meet them. She said they have wanted to communicate with representatives of the human realm, and that there were a few people in the region that could perceive her, but none who could actually see and talk to her. When she saw that the masters arrived she took the opportunity to present herself.
In old times there was a woman named Olla, Memito shared, who lived among the people. Although she was very old she always looked young. She would arrive to the festivals and animate everyone in song and dance, and then she mysteriously vanished just she had arrived.

A few days later, upon arriving to Caño Island, a place ancestrally known as “The Floating Butterfly,” we walked up to the center of the island where the trail leads to an archaeological site. Caño Island was a burial site for the ancient royalty, skilled navigators and spiritual masters, essentially the outstanding individuals of those times. A local fisherman friend told me, that in 1969, he visited the Island and there was a ring of life size statues carved in stone. Interlaced among them were several granite spheres of various sizes. Sadly, this has been looted and none of this remains.

Master Tianying began softly chanting. Time momentarily suspended itself, replaced by another kind of time, where creativity is boundless, and gravity seems to loosen its grip, where all things integrate into the presence of the immediate now.
While meditating, the masters received a visitation from a goddess whose name they said is “See~diii.” ¨Caño Island¨, Master Tianying, went on to say, ¨The Islands true name is – “The Island of the Spheres of the Giants.” See~diii comes from the 9th dimension and governs the protection of the Osa Peninsula.” There are malicious spirits that are trying to make the Osa Peninsula sink into the water, and See~diii is working diligently with multitudes of heavenly beings to prevent this from happening.” ¨The most important thing to prevent this from happening is to protect the ocean and the rainforest.” ¨See~diii´s main concerns are protecting great nature, reverting the destruction of nature and helping people recuperate their inner harmony.”
The masters were very happy to know that Caño Island, and Corcovado are now protected areas. They applaud the government’s efforts to protect these living terrestrial treasures.

Grandmaster Da Shi Le Tian went on to say,
¨The goddess See~diii she told us that it was she herself who had brought the first spheres to this land.”
Mary Ho kindly continued interpreting the words of the masters as they spoke only in Mandarin,
¨See~diii had brought the spheres from the 9th dimension approx. 50,000 years ago, in order to help the giants, who had been displaced from the sinking of the ancient motherland continent of Mu, occurrences that took place but in ways few people know about in remote and ancient times, and who had congregated here on the Island.¨ Mary Ho continued, ¨With the aid of the spheres, See~diii was able to assist the giants in their ascension. She helped them transform into higher dimensional realms.¨

With a feeble earnestness she proceeded to explain, ¨Given the integrity of the oaths they made, some of the giants were able to ascend to the heavenly realms and others were transformed into the 4th dimensional realm, this is the realm inside the water and inside the Earth.¨ ¨The spheres were a tool that helped the giants accomplish this ascension and transformation.¨
Don Memo sat there in quiet contemplation as she continued.
¨See~diii also spoke of a race of sea bearing people that lived along the shores of the mainland across from the Island. Approximately one thousand years ago she came to them and helped them transform into the water realm and that she came to them in a time when they were still pure enough to accomplish this transformation. She revealed the prophecy of the coming of the age of confusion, and they willingly followed and entrusted her to enter into this realm. They live there now in beautiful underwater temples, as immortals of the inner dimension of the water realm.

The masters were very happy with their visit to the “Island of the Spheres of the Giants,” the “Floating Butterfly.” Their visit proved results far greater than anticipated. They explained how there is a great universal integration of spirits taking place and they want to help humanity save the earth and itself from total annihilation.
Mary Ho went on the explain that to have a spiritual encounter of this stature was a very rare, unique and extremely important experience.
They documented this extensively through writing. I glanced over to Master Tianying who was busily writing away in graceful Chinese calligraphy. She paused, looked at me and smiled. Her warm reassuring smile transmitted a deeply felt peace. Her calmness reflecting a motherly love for humanity and for mother earth, as deep and as vast as the ocean before us. The peace she transmitted, I feel and carry with me to this day.

The Culture of Boruca – Ballena Tales Magazine
The Diquis Stone Spheres – Ballena Tales Magazine
Spheres – Recovery of the Indigenous History – Ballena Tales Magazine
Atlantis in America: Navigators of the Ancient World by Ivar Zapp & George Erikson
The Lost Continent of Mu by Col. James Churchward
Podcasts & Videos
Podcast with Dr. Ivar Zapp: Atlantis in America
Lemuria – The Hidden History of Mankind’s Motherland
Spiritual Invocations for Peace and Healing
Grand Master Le Tian: Celestial Songs series
Tian Ai Qigong: An Invocation to calm the mind by Master Yang Tianying
Tian Ai Qigong: Beautiful Medicine Music by Master Yang Tianying
Tian Ai Qigong: Firelight Meditation for Purification: y Master Yang Tianying
Tian Ai Qigong: Yi Ai Love as the Pure Energy of the Universe Mediation y: Master Yang Tianying
Powerful Morning Visualization by Master Cathy Mu